Balancing Long Course Racing

We are halfway through the 2021 race season, and some athletes are already looking ahead to 2022.  As we begin to see races back closer to the way we remember them, we also see athletes looking to take on new challenges.

Committing to an endurance event whether it is a long course triathlon, ultra run, or any big endurance goal requires a fair amount of planning prior to execution.

As a coach, I have been fielding messages and thoughts for the upcoming year so I thought I would share 5 tips for balancing your endurance goals:

  • Support  – Make sure you have a support system and they are on board.   These events often require time and dedication.   The buy in from others is critical to your success.  Find a team that can help you reach your goals.  Those friendships can last a life time.
  • Adaptability – work, family, and life can all alter a training schedule.  Shoot for 90% compliance and then let the rest go.
  • Fun  – we are not making a living by racing.  So make sure we keep the FUN in the training.  Not all days are going to be roses and sunshine

  • Consistency – big goals require training, there is no way around that.  Something is always better than nothing.  This is huge in getting to the start line.  The most successful athletes are the most consistent athletes.
  • Recovery – long endurance events and training, needs recovery post race.  Take some time to celebrate and thank those who supported you during your journey.

If you are thinking about a big, scary, amazing, you name it goal for 2022 please feel free to reach out to any of our coaches, we would love to help!

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